About me and my WHY

Hello, I want to introduce myself to the community of Kent County, Newcastle County, Sussex County and the surrounding states. My name is Joanna Guzman the President of “Giving to the hopeful and hopeless foundation” I have been living in Delaware for over 13 years with the exception of Brooklyn New York and New Jersey. Due to inflation and the fact that so many people are unable to shop at even local lower costs stores God led me to officially start a Nonprofit Foundation. I started this journey with my faith in God to bring “HOPE” back to the community, state and world. Two months ago I started with the only thing at the time I knew how to utilize to get my name out to help those in serious need. I did that by creating by a Facebook group for those who do use social media called "Giving to the hopeful or hopeless”.
This group has helped me get my name out slowly about my mission and get out donations to provide items to improve the quality of people's lives and give them hope that America still does care about their community in need including animals, veterans, low income, single family homes, kids and much more in need.
I am a single mom with 1 son. I started leading an example for my son by giving months ago from our own two bedroom apartment, but that was just the start. In the last 8 weeks of creating the group on Facebook and with meeting people from all backgrounds of life and hearing their stories and seeing their cries in real life. I saw first hand the demand was a serious demand and one needed to restore “HOPE” to the hopeless and to keep “HOPE” still living in the hearts of those who still have hope in better days. I prayed about this for weeks before I finally went to the state building and said its time. For me I never wanna do anything without Gods approval first. Not long after days of praying I was fully then led by the Lord to create an amazing change in America by starting with myself being with my own actions.
I once owned a cleaning business for 5 years and helped manage a home remodeling company where I learned so much, however I stopped. this is what brings me true joy to give to the hopeful or hopeless. Hope is something that we all need no matter where we are at in life.

Please feel free to contact me to learn more about this NEW NON-PROFIT FOUNDATION. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

“6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”